Wednesday, August 20, 2008

baby steps...

So I am officially starting our own family blog. Bear with me as I figure this all out...


Kelly said...

I am so glad you are starting a family blog! Can't wait to see some Kelly family updates.

crack'n up ourselves said...

When do you want to get together? You blog looks great already!

Kristine said...

Word travels fast! :) I'm excited to keep up on your family. Looks good!

Buffy said...

Yeah! It's looks so good!

crack'n up ourselves said...

If cafe rio ever comes to Idaho, We are going! By the way, I cried when I read that blog you recommended. Your blog is getting creative!

Annalee Kelly said...

thanks for your words of encouragement and thanks julie and buffy for the tech support! Now if we could just find our card reader...

Perkins said...

I was very excited to see that you are doing this. I love to have updates on people that I miss from the rosewood ward. You are such a cute family. I look forward to your posts.