This past week has been interesting. Good and bad, I say.
Bad: Sooo much rain here. We've lost some of our garden veggies to frost:(
Good: The lawn is so green! And our basement has never flooded.
Bad: My 4-year old said to me, quite seriously, "Mom, you don't like me sometimes, huh?" (Ouch!)
Good: Everytime my kids leave the house they say "Love you, mom."
Bad: I had to give an 18-minute talk in church yesterday and halfway into it, I started to pass out. I turned and looked at my husband sitting on the stand behind me asking him for help standing, but he misunderstood me. I can't remember the middle two pages of my talk at all. Did I get through all of it? I don't know. What I do know is that I am still embarrassed because people were calling me after church to see if I was okay. Hu--mill--ee--a-ting!
Good: I learned so stinkin' much from preparing for that talk! My testimony grew profoundly on the subject of the Restoration of the Gospel. Dangit, I wish I could have conveyed those thoughts to the congregation.
Good: Lizzie only had one accident this week.
Bad: Lizzie had an accident this week.
Bad: Baseball games in the rain and wind really stink. Six innings + Two Hours + cold rain = unconditional love for my son.
Good: Our neighbor has two sons with Autism. They are starting up a Special Needs Baseball program called "The Field of Angels" and each special needs participant chooses a mentor to help them run the bases, know when to bat/hit/catch, etc. This 12-year old chose my son (who is an underdog at best on his Single A team-first-year). Everyday since he was asked, he gathers his bat and glove and takes his autistic buddy over to the park to practice drills. Priceless.
Very Bad: I had to go to the *butt* doctor this week. It's one thing to go to the OB/GYN for a womanly checkup. There's some dignity in that; but to bend over and spread your abundant cheeks? Not so much. "Got the whole fist up there, doc?"
Very Good: I had a missionary experience with a girl in London via cjane's blog. She loved a quote I sent her about trials (by Elder Maxwell), and she liked it so much, she commented on my blog and put the quote as a header on hers. Very cool, Maddy. God speed.
Unfortunate: the Mister did our laundry and washed my cell phone in with the darks. (Honey! My pants weren't in the dirty laundry basket! Didn't they feel kinda heavy???!!!)
Fortunate: $50 later, I realized how lucky I am that my husband is the kind of guy who helps out with chores. Lay off him a little.
Good: planting flowers, family matinee to see "The Lightning Thief", grilled ribeyes with family and new neighbors tonight, last week of school is upon us, awesome visiting teachers.
Bad: I found a hairstylist in Utah that is cheap and excellent. She did my hair over Conference Weekend. I can't get down there for at least another month. Yucky dark roots.
Sweet: My 4-year old asked me in Wal-Mart (while shopping for flowers to plant) if I knew when he and I will be resurrected. Deep question number two (also in the Garden Center): "What does Satan look like?"
caught my eye + deals 1.17.25
3 days ago