I've been in a blogging dry spell...so here are some random thoughts swirling through my head tonight.
First day of school tomorrow. People say, "Aren't you glad to be getting them back into school?"
I say, "NO! Generally, I truly enjoy having my kids home with me and we can play more together." And they say, "But won't you enjoy more structure in your day with the kids?" And I say, "We have structure all summer long -- my kids weed the garden, do 10 math problems, read 20 minutes, practice, and clean their rooms DAILY." However, the two oldest kids have been teasing and fighting more, so for that reason only, I will be glad to send the little darlings off to school tomorrow!
Last week, I forgot to wear a bra to my Sunday worship services. Good thing there's not a lot going on there in my life, but still, it made me feel pretty vulnerable. If not shapeless.
Tonight, my husband laid his hands on each of my children's heads and gave them a "Back-to-School" Father's blessing. I took notes and will refer to it as needed during the school year for them. The Mister cries easily when he feels the Spirit, so he was wiping tears frequently during their blessings. Afterwards, he told me how strong the impression was that the Lord is mindful of these children individually, and how intimately He loves them.
We enjoyed a few last summer outings this past week -- took the kids to Ross Park (so fun!), and last night we went to the Drive-In to see Despicable Me. It was a wee bit chilly, but great memories. Snow cones, Rigby Lake, camping last weekend, and school shopping were also on last week's agenda... we're burning memories, baby!
I just finished reading one of the best fiction books... "The Mountain Between Us" by my favorite author, Charles Martin. I checked it out from the library, and after having finished it, I could not stop thinking about it. So I went and purchased it. Now the Mister is reading it and can't put it down...
Will start "Mocking Jay" (Hunger Games sequel #3) tomorrow. Also great fiction reading.
Too much freakin' zucchini. Anybody want any?
My birthday is Saturday. I don't know what I want to do yet...
I've got a lot to get done this week while the kids are in school, and before I start up teaching again next week. On my to-do-list: paint boys dresser, keep making trips to D.I. for a dresser for Caleb, bottle peaches, clean refrigerator, read to Lizzie and do puzzles with Caleb before school each day...
I've been studying Conference talks from April 2010 this past week. I highlight/underline things I need to ponder more; then I leave the talk page open on my night stand so I see it throughout the day, and glance frequently at the underlined parts so I can keep the counsel close to my otherwise mundane thoughts throughout the day. It is helping me have the Spirit in greater measure hour by hour.
Grateful our garden is producing, but hoping the tomatoes (we have about 8 plants -- all plentiful) will ripen before it gets too cold. Size is good on all varieties... and holy pumpkins, Batman! With one plant dominating about a third of our garden, we will have at least a dozen pumpkins in October...
I'm pretty much addicted to homemade canned dill pickles. I even savor the juice and limit myself to drinking only a quarter cup a day, after the pickles are all gone. Problem is, my supplier is all out of pickles. And I'm too lazy to make them myself. What's a girl to do? (My younger sister and I have always loved pickles, and we were legendary. For birthday parties growing up, instead of friends bringing cute leg-warmers or troll dolls as gifts, they brought gallon-size pickle jars with a bow on top. Yup. No kidding.)
I'm feeling a little frustrated with a friend/student in town who is very active in their born-again Christian faith. He and his wife are wonderful people with whom we share very similar values and beliefs. Problem is, he posted a clip on facebook of an anti-Book of Mormon documentary that his prominent church pastor will be showing next week. I'm wondering how to handle it... do I stand up and say, "Hey, this is inaccurate!" and risk getting into a debate of sorts with them, or do I let it go and let God sort it out...
I feel blessed. I love my family and our home. I'm grateful for my temple covenants and the ease with which I can go there and worship often. I'm grateful for good health. I'm thankful for four wonderful children. I love Jesus.
caught my eye + deals 3.14.25
2 weeks ago