I drive a 1999 Dodge Caravan. Oh yeah, baby. It'ssss righteoussss...
As you can surmise, it needs a little t.l.c. from time to time. A few weeks ago, the heat stopped working and I have dreaded every errand and car pooling activity because of it. As I'm driving, I tell myself constantly, "Think of the Martin Hand Cart Company..." and it makes me grateful for my vehicle, with or without heat.
However, I have asked the Mister several times to get it fixed. "Honey, I havebeen driving your 4 babies around in the frigid negative temperatures for weeks now! Pleeeeease get it fixed!", I plead.
What's a girl to do?
I did what any faithful, desperate, *chilly*, non-mechanical Latter-day Saint sister with a well-meaning, but distracted husband would do...
I called the Home Teacher Hotline.
The faithful home teachers came on Sunday evening and as they finished their message, the senior companion said, "Well, Kelly family, is there anything we can do for you?"
As the Mister starts to dutifully shake his head, I raise an index finger and say,
"Yes, actually." I try to sound matter-of-fact. And I proceed to explain the heating issue in the van. And he promised to bring reinforcements and return the following day. (The Mister's jaw drops, but he remains silent.)
But guess what?
The Mister took Monday afternoon off work to begin repairing the van.
Now we're getting some where! No need to nag anymore...
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
6 days ago
Your story makes me laugh out loud! Thanks for the cheery story! I LOVED it!
Rob said this story really makes him wish he was still your home teacher!
You are hilarious! Resourceful little thing, aren't you? Gotta remember that one.
So, I saw your link on facebook, and just came upon your blog. I'll have to visit often! That's a great story about the van. :)
That's fantastic. :)
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